Krysta Gonzales Porras, Counseling Student Intern
Supervised by Robyn D Reyna, LPC-S, RPT-S
We encounter so many interactions each day where we often feel unnoticed, misunderstood and unheard. We can often feel alone in these feelings and feel lost in what we should or should not do. We combat the societal pressures of masking who we uniquely are so that we can “fit in”. This masking can be an expectation that is set for us as parents and our children. Every individual should be provided with a space where they can be their unique selves and be able to embrace what makes you, YOU.

In my room, everyone is provided with a safe space to be their true selves, free of expectations to allow for the exploration of their identity, expression of feelings, and experience connection to self in a new way. We will work together to ensure that you feel supported throughout your personalized journey to growth and perseverance. At the end of out therapeutic journey, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the necessary tools to navigate life’s journey.

It is often confusing for us to make sense of our personality, values, and individual expectations when we are faced with the societal expectations that do not suite our needs. You deserve to have your physical and emotional needs met so that you can feel your best and true self. In therapy, these needs can be met through a healthy and felt-safe environment free of unrealistic expectations. You will be able to express yourself in various ways that feel most appropriate to you and your needs.

Krysta works with:
Kids and Teens
Emotional Difficulties (anxiety, depression, anger etc.)
Life Struggles (death, divorce, grief, transitions, etc.)
Relationship conflicts
Krysta. specializes in:
Communication and strengthening relationships
Play Therapy