Should I Use My Insurance?
Many of us have insurance through employers or through the government programs. There are pros and cons to using your insurance, but it is important to make the best decision for your family.
Diagnosis required
Reduced privacy of medical info
Lower out of pocket cost
Sometimes limited number
of visits covered
Sometimes required to pay more than initial quote
Self Pay
No Diagnosis Required
Highest level of privacy
Higher out of pocket cost
As many sessions as needed
to meet goals
Exact cost known up front
How do I use my insurance?
There are two options for using insurance: In-"Network and Out-of-Network. Both have the pros and cons listed above. With out-of-network benefits your insurance directly reimburses you for the costs of therapy, while in-network benefits reimburse the agency directly. At Calming Communities, PLLC, we process both types of claims so you do not have to deal with receipts or super bills or following up with the insurance.
Use the form below to learn more about the benefits your plan provides for out of network claims.