Using Board Games in Play Therapy
Description: Board games can provide structure and safety to non-directive play including trauma play. They also provide openings for skill building, self-worth building, and social navigation exercises. Participants will learn about ways to utilize board games both indirectively and directively.
Participants will identify 3-5 goals that can be supported by boardgames within their theoretical orientation.
Participants will describe the role board games play in trauma play.
Participants will describe the role board games play in skill building for social navigation and self-regulation.
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APT Special Topics Credit
APT Approved Provider 22-677
Texas Ethics Credit
Training is provided by a Texas LPC-S and counts for the minimum 50% approved provider requirement of the Texas Administrative Code.
Refund Policy: All refund requests must be made in writing within 15 days of the purchase, and no less than 5 days before the date of the course. Every effort will be made to achieve resolution, including, but not limited to refund of fees, substitution of course purchased, credit provided for future course.